Start your shrimp and pasta recipe with a shrimp stock.

by Dick
(Wilbraham, MA)

I always take the shells of the shrimp (sometimes buy shrimp with "heads on") and make a shrimp stock.

You can do this with mussels, lobster, any thing you want...I won't insult you by giving you instructions, but basically you add onion, leeks, peppers, celery and carrots to shells and heads and create a stock.

Once made, I reduce it to the get the flavors that I want. This can be used in your sauce, or a ladle full into your pasta. Just under cook your pasta by a few minutes and add the reduced stock. You'd be surprised at the flavors that come out.

Using the stock that mussels have been steamed in: wine, garlic onions etc. can create a heck of a stew or a bisque or a Clam chowder. Trick is, make the stock, taste the stock and get it where you want it. I submitted my recipe for Shrimp and Pasta Tebaldi. This is what it evolved from!

Mangia bené tutti!~

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