Chef interviews from some of the most interesting and creative chefs, food bloggers and stay at home gourmet Mom’s (or Dad’s), that are famous in their own kitchens. Learn their secrets, how they got their start and how their passion for food began.

My name is Kira Volpi and I’m the chef and author of this site Pasta Recipes by and I’m a self taught chef with a passion for pasta and Italian food. Today, thanks to technology we can all be famous chefs even if it’s in our own kitchens.

Every time I discover a really fantastic restaurant and I have something amazingly delicious I want to meet and thank the chef and talk to him about what drove him to this crazy world of food and what his passions are. Same with all these great foodie bloggers out there that are attempting their hand at their recipes and talents at creating mild stones in culinary delights.

Then there are the famous celebrity chefs like Mario Batali, Giada, and Lidia Bastianich who, everyday put forth their best face and food on the big screen and give us traditional favorites and the hottest newest recipes and foodie ideas.

Right down to the in home bound chefs that are famous in their own kitchens and communities. The ones that all the neighbors turn to for the best recipes for all their favorite meals.

Why do we share this passion for food? It begins with a story that's individual to every one of us. Read, discover and enjoy their stories.

Vivere, Amare, Ridere e Mangiare Bene
Live, Love, Laugh and Eat Well!
Kira Volpi

Do you have some favorite chefs you'd love to have interviewed or are you an interesting chef with a great story? Contact me directly to offer chef interviews and I will post them right here on this site for a whole page dedicated to your foodie story.

Phil is a man straight from the traditional side of Italian food.

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