Pasta  Puttanesca

pasta punttanesca
Rosalba's pasta puttanesca is praised by Carlo, her husband, as being the best tomato sauce recipe this side of the Atlantic. Spoken out of love for his wife, or fear of a wooden spoon being cracked over his head? I think not! Hi, I’m Kira Volpi and I’ve had this amazing Italian pasta dish and can attest to her honor and her culinary ability. Her Sicilian heritage shines through in her traditional Italian cooking. I hope we get to see more of her Italian pasta recipes here on this site.

Puttanesca sauce is filled with scrumptious capers, garlic and anchovies mixed into an excellent quality tomato sauce. Just when you think your taste buds can take no more, kalamata olives are added to this old world Southern Italian treat.

Puttanesca has it’s fair share of stories behind the name of this Italian pasta recipe with everything in it. Read about the history of pasta puttanesca and share them with your guests!

Pasta Puttanesca Ingredients:

  1. 1 lb of spaghetti rigate
  2. 1 large box of Pomi crushed tomatoes
  3. olive oil
  4. 4oz Kalamata olives, pitted and sliced
  5. ½ teaspoon of capers
  6. I added a ½ teaspoon of anchovies because I love them. I hope you don't mind Rose.
  7. 2 medium garlic cloves chopped
  8. Salt and Pepper to taste
  9. ½ cup freshly grated Pecorino cheese
  10. ¼ cup chopped parsley

Pasta Puttanesca Preparation:

Begin by covering the sauté pan with olive oil. As any true Italian chef there is very little measuring done in this step. “Coat the pan” were my instructions and I understood them well.

Sauté the garlic in the olive oil on medium heat. Allow the garlic to infuse flavor into the oil. Don’t let it brown or it will become bitter. If you’re going to use anchovies add them after the garlic. The anchovies will dissolve and blend with the garlic and the hot oil.

Pour in the crushed tomatoes, then add the pitted kalamata olives, the capers and allow to simmer on medium heat for about 10 minutes stirring occasionally. This will blend all those delicious flavors together.

Now is a good time to bring a large pot of water to a boil so you can cook your pasta al dente Rose insists on serving puttanesca pasta with pecorino cheese rather than parmigiano and again, I agree. Pecorino is made from sheep’s milk and is a little saltier so it stands up to the Italian pasta sauce recipe where as the parmigiano will get lost in it. Nice choice Rose!

Drain your pasta and add it directly to the pan or pot with your tomato sauce and mix together.

Once you’ve plated your masterpiece you can sprinkle some chopped Italian parsley, some pecorno and pour yourself a nice glass of wine. Now you’re ready to…

Vivere, Amare, Ridere e Mangiare Bene
Live, Love, Laugh and Eat Well!
Kira Volpi

Do you have a pasta recipe to share? Just like this pasta puttanesca recipe I will post it right here on this site for a whole page dedicated to your Italian pasta recipe.

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