Egg Pasta Recipe

In Le Marche, Italy an egg pasta recipe is the traditional way to make a homemade pasta dough. A hidden treasure from a hidden area in Italy!

I'm planing my first trip to Le Marche Italy and I am so excited about discovering an area that is off the beaten track. So many of us go to Italy and see Rome, Milano, Tuscany and I lived in Rome. But places like Le Marche are so relatively undiscovered to the masses of tourism and so is the food. So of course the first thing I did is buy an assortment of Le Marche, Italian cookbooks.

I'm a foodie so when I started reading the Cucina of Le Marche and A Taste of Le Marche, which by the way cost a small fortune, the diversity and the atypical ideal of Italian cooking was sitting there, RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES! What can I say, they had me at hello. These books were the holy grail of regional Italian pasta recipes and I had them. Oh yes, I had them all to myself. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!

Well, me and everybody else who's purchased these books and travelled to the small off the beat track areas in Italy. My first recipe attempt must be a traditional Le Marche pasta dough recipe.

So here I am with my homemade pasta recipe from Le Marche and I'm ready to begin. Just an FYI… Break out your biceps because this pasta dough, without a dough mixer, is gonna test your Italian Grandmother Muscles.

Le Marche Pasta Recipe Ingredients:

egg pasta recipe ingredients

  1. 1½ cups all purpose flour
  2. ¼ cup semolina flour
  3. 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  4. 16 to 18 egg yolks. I suggest 18
  5. 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  6. LOTS of elbow grease

Egg Pasta Recipe Ingredients:

egg pasta recipe step one egg pasta recipe blending egg yolks

Of course the recipe I used called for a kitchen aide mixer, which I have not brought myself to purchase yet. Mostly because I like being a traditionalist. This egg pasta recipe however, might have pushed me over the edge.

Sift the two flours into a bowl and add the kosher salt. Slowly pour in 2 tablespoons of the olive oil and mix. Then slowly pour in the egg yolks until roughly blended.

egg pasta rough dough egg pasta dough kneading

You will end up with a doughy mess. Scrap the doughy mess onto a board or counter. This is where you will spend a little bit of time. Kneading, kneading, kneading. I added a few drops of water to assist in the elasticity. But I only used 16 egg yolks. Which is why I think that the extra 2 egg yolks would have made a BIG difference. Towards the end of your kneading process you can add in the remaining olive oil.

All in all when I was done kneading the egg pasta dough it turned out to be this luscious ball of yellow pasta love. I've never made an egg pasta recipe before and I must say it is so inviting just to look at it and smell the rich yolky aroma.

Stay tuned for my egg pasta recipe, Le Marche style once I've put this pasta love into an actual Italian pasta recipe.

Vivere, Amare, Ridere e Mangiare Bene
Live, Love, Laugh and Eat Well!
Kira Volpi

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